If you run an excellent tourism business you stand a chance of winning an award, whatever the size or scale. These hints and tips are designed to make the entry process as painless and productive as possible. They also explain the entry requirements and what the judges will be looking for.
The Beautiful South Tourism Awards are open to all tourism and hospitality businesses located in South East England (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Surrey, the Isle of Wight, Sussex and Kent). Each entry costs £70 plus VAT but paid-up members of Tourism South East (as at the date of Awards entry submission) have the benefit of three free entries and VisitKent members can enter one category for free. In addition, the Unsung Hero and Future of Hospitality awards are free for members and non-members.
If applicable, an invoice will be emailed for your entry fee to the contact details given on your entry form, judging will only commence upon receipt of payment.
If your experience or business is located in another area, details of others schemes can be found on the Visit England Awards website.
Please read the criteria at the start of the entry forms carefully to ensure that you are eligible to enter.
The judges are looking for evidence of excellence, innovation and quality improvements in the last 2 years. If you entered last year then make it really clear what improvements/additions have been made since your last entry.
If you have won gold in the same category in the South East for two or more years, we’d advise considering a different category or offering to help us with judging.